School Rules
School Rules
School Uniform
Students are to wear the prescribed school uniform and modification to the uniform is not allowed.
2024 - Plain white/black shoes and white school socks that are clearly visible above the ankle to be worn.
2025 - Plain black shoes and white school socks that are clearly visible above the ankle to be worn.
Fingernails must be short, clean and unpainted.
Name tags should be sewn onto uniforms as shown below.
Sports shoes cannot be worn during curriculum hours if the activity is conducted after school hours.

Hair must be neat and hair/fringe must not touch the eyebrows or the collar.
Girls with shoulder-length or long hair hanging below the blouse collar must be tied up.
Long fringe must be clipped. Only white, blue or black hair accessories are allowed.
Boys must be neat in appearance, clean-shaven and no facial hair is allowed. Punk or outlandish hairstyle is not allowed.
Tinting and/or highlighting of hair is not allowed
Only small ear studs are allowed for girls.
No ornaments or jewellery is allowed to be worn in school.
Mobile phones and electronic gadgets that can be used for communication and recording purposes are not allowed in school.
Playing/ Trading cards, toys and items that are considered dangerous or inappropriate in school are not allowed in school.
All students must:
attend school regularly and be punctual for all school.
submit a medical certificate and/or a letter from parents to the Form Teacher upon his/her return to school to explain absence.
not leave school without official permission during school.
seek permission from the Form/Subject Teacher to leave early in the event of illness or unexpected circumstances.
Singing of National Anthem & Recitation of National Pledge
All students:
who are Singapore citizens must sing the National Anthem and take the Pledge.
will take the Pledge with the right fist placed over the heart.
must be punctual for the ceremony daily.
must stand at attention and face the flag when the National Anthem is being sung and the pledge recited.
must observe the ceremony with solemnity and respect.
General Behaviour
All students:
must uphold the good name of the school and exercise self-discipline both in and outside the school.
are not allowed to enter the staff room and special rooms unless accompanied by a teacher.
are to keep the school facilities clean and practise social responsibility.
must queue up to buy food and drinks and all food and beverages are to be consumed in the canteen.
should walk from point to point in an orderly manner.
are to practise good manners and be courteous to one and all.
should not stay in class during recess and lunch times unless accompanied by a teacher.
are to practise Netiquette and display appropriate online behaviour.
must be responsible for their personal possessions in school and are advised not to bring excessive cash or expensive branded items to school.
are not allowed to have in their possession any weapon-like item which is used or intended to be used to cause harm to others.
Offences |
Consequences |
Tinted Hair / Long Hair / Inappropriate Hairstyle |
For non-compliance of school rule(s), one or more of the following actions
will be taken. In-school counselling will be offered to errant student(s).
Skipping Lessons / Playing Truant/ Wilful Absenteeism |
Use or Possession of Cigarettes / e-Cigarettes / Prohibited Tobacco Products |
Theft in School / Shoplifting |
Other Serious Offences: |
Gambling / Vandalism / Substance Abuse/ Fighting / Bullying / Cheating
during Tests or Exams / Forging or Doctoring Documents